Fight for Preemies – The choices you make can help!

I had a preemie.

It was life changing.  It was scary.  It was not the ideal start for my sons life.

I had been on bedrest for Preterm Labor from 25 weeks.  I figure I bought him 9 extra weeks, with the sacrifice of staying in bed, taking different pills and praying.

Devon was born at 34 weeks.  He was 4 pounds 3 ounces.

He only had to stay in the NICU for 12 days.

It felt so much longer.   But in comparison to what some preemies go through it was very little.

What can you do to help prevent prematurity?

  • Take care of yourself.
  • Eat well.
  • Get prenatal care.
  • Drink a lot of water.
  • Pay attention to your body and baby.
  • If you have more than 4 Braxton Hicks and hour, call your care provider.
  • If baby’s movements decrease dramatically, call your care provider.
  • TRUST your intuition!  If you feel something is wrong, insist you be seen!  (My friend pregnant with twins, suspected something was up at 25 weeks.  The OB blew her off, so finally she lied and said she had some bleeding.     So they had her come in and found she was 4cm dilated and they had her on bedrest in the hospital, where she was able to go a few more weeks.
  • Do NOT get induced before 40 weeks (unless mom or baby is at risk)  So many babies that are preemies in the last few years were INDUCED!  Due dates are just guesstimates.  They can be off a few weeks.  So if a mom gets induced at 37 weeks, she may have a 34 week gestation baby.

Sharing is caring!

2 thoughts on “Fight for Preemies – The choices you make can help!”

  1. Thank you for your insights on fighting for preemies. All the information you listed is so important. Those last couple of weeks are so vital, and how the mother takes care of herself during this time is crucial to the baby. Not letting them induce before 40 weeks is the best advice you can give. This is when the parents really have to take on the roll of advocates. Thank you once again for your advice.

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