The Power of Waiting


This OB talks about a study looking at waiting 2 hours can help prevent cesareans!  If Mom and Baby are ok, wait 2 more hours and see what happens.

Ask your care provider NOW if they are open to doing this for moms that are “slow to progress”

Sharing is caring!

3 thoughts on “The Power of Waiting”

  1. Very informative video that insists people to wait for natural birth instead of C-section. Now a days woman fear child birth pain and go for C- section which is not a good practice at all

  2. Interesting video. The part at the end where he discusses how to bring this up to your provider is most interesting. It seemed to me that he was suggesting you finesse the interaction with your provider, and try not to threaten them. =0) I know that we are all human, but I have to say I have little interest in working with a provider that I have to finesse. It takes too much energy. I’d rather have someone who respects that I am an intelligent person, who can make a decision based on evidence, and is willing to discuss my ideas without being offended, or getting their ego bruised.

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