52 Weeks Organizing – Junk Drawers. Yes, we had 2!

After a few weeks off thanks to my crazy April and then being sick, I am back to doing the 52 week challenge!  🙂   I am proud of myself for realizing I couldn’t do it the last few weeks, but I am equally excited to get back on it.

We had 2 main junk drawers.

One in the Family Room

Family Room Junk Drawer

One in the Kitchen

What is in there?

I took everything out and organized into like piles.

  • Diapers and spare outfit  for my friends kids who come to play (they are way past the diaper stage!)
  • Electronics
  • Nail care stuff
  • Tons of glasses and sunglasses
  • Light bulbs
  • Scrap paper
  • Teeth Stuff
  • and other random stuff
Wow, that is a lot of stuff!

I put the glasses and light bulbs away where they belong.  I got rid of a bunch of stuff and organized the rest.

2 organized drawers

Sharing is caring!

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