T1 Broke his Arm and Jaw Mountain Biking

I had written a series on my massage therapy/therapy and how it helped me uncover all these issues that came up from the birth trauma from T1’s birth.  I wrote this series last fall, but put off posting it.  I finally decided March was the month and I had all the posts scheduled out for March.

Well, I am interrupting the posts to say that T1 had a bad fall while mountain biking 2 weeks ago.  It is a little ironic, seeing biking was something I was so nervous about before I started my massage therapy/therapy.

Luckily he is doing amazingly well and will completely recover within 8-12 weeks.

If you want to read more about my experience, you can read it on the Gift of Giving Life blog, where I post about more spiritual things.  🙂

  • Preparing for the Unknown.  I had felt something big was coming for our family and wanted to prepare somehow.  It was a challenge because I didn’t know WHAT was coming.
  • Blessings Every Step of the Way.   Blessings were poured out upon our family that weekend.  I was prepared and had support from God, my family and friends every step of the way!

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