Categories: BirthParenting

Comfort and Joy: How I get it and give it

To me comfort stems from relationships I build with people and the joy comes from experiences I share with them.  Here are some ways I see comfort and joy manifested in my life!

Being a doula is a job where I help provide comfort and the births bring me so much joy!

There is nothing more amazing and joyful then a birth of a baby.  I am so blessed that I have the opportunity to share such wonderful moments with so many families.

The last birth I attended was 36 hours long.  Mom and Dad were this amazing team and it was like watching a love story seeing them work together.  The joy we all felt when that baby was born was palpable.  I could physically feel the love in that room.

My husband brings me comfort and joy.

There is something so comfortable about snuggling up with Rob on the couch after a long day.  We talk about what has happened (if we aren’t too tired) and bask in the joy of our boys being safe and healthy sleeping in their beds.  The silence is beautiful sometimes. 😉

My children bring me so much joy!  Their friends bring me comfort. There is really nothing that can bring a parent more comfort then knowing her kids friends are GOOD kids!  Here is a story that demonstrates how my boys friends bring me comfort.

T1 got invited to a classmates birthday party. He was having a Game Truck and then swimming at his house.

He was excited to go.  We are not big gamers – we have a Wii, that T1 plays maybe a few times a month, when he is babysitting T3 for me.

2 of T1′s best friends were going too.  When I picked them up I was so happy his friends were with him.

This is what they told me when I picked them up –

There were a lot of violent games being played

Like HALO, Street Fighting, Cage Fighting…

but WE played Wii Sports Resort and Wii Playground.

The game guy looked at us like we were so strange when we requested those, but we were having fun!

It was hard to hear because of all the gun shots we were hearing.

Ha, ha, ha.

I don’t even know why I didn’t think of that possibility.  My boys all know we don’t play rated T games. I didn’t remind him before we went, because frankly I forget that even exists.

BUT, I was thrilled that T1 and his friends stayed true to their family values and chose appropriate games.

YAY for good friends who support each other.

Speaking of friends –

I have so many that I feel so blessed to have support.  I get comfort from the fact they love me just the way I am.  Unfashionable and kind of earthy.  I get joy from all the book clubs, park days, girl night outs and service we do together.

The other day I was driving to a chiropractors appointment and my cell phone rang.

I answered, via my speakerphone of course and it was Jenn.

She was driving behind me and wondered if I had Thing 3. I didn’t, he was at my other wonderful friends house. But if I had him, she was following me so we could pull over and she would have taken him so I wouldn’t have to bring him to the appointment.

Isn’t she great?

I honestly have so many wonderful friends. My 3 things do too!

Comfort and Joy is really all about relationships for me! I hope you all have wonderful support in your life!  For those you need to offer comfort that includes some Kleenex to wipe some tears (hopefully tears of joy) check out Softness Worth  Sharing to send a package of Kleenex to them!

“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Kleenex blogging program, making me eligible to get a $40 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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