12 Resources to Easily Find Local Childbirth Educators and Doulas

Do you need help finding a childbirth educator in your area? Or maybe a birth doula?

I have 12 resources and tips to help you find doulas and childbirth classes.

Also these local educators and doulas are happy to help you find other resources in your area. From good OB’s and midwives… to the best hospitals or birth centers in the area.

I was always happy to answer an email and share resources with expecting moms.

So reach out and ask!

Ask your Local Doulas and Childbirth Educators!

Birth Doula Resources

  • Birth Works
  • CAPPA — Childbirth and Postpartum Professional Association
  • DONA — Doulas of North America
  • ICEA — The International Childbirth Education Association
  • Doula Match
  • Google Doula + Your Location!

Childbirth Educator Resources

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