Categories: Parenting

Moms Doing the Best We Can

photo credit: ilovememphis

I remember being a new mom and knowing SO much and how I would do things the right way.

  • I would never use TV as a babysitter.
  • I would never feed my kids a quesadilla from Taco Bell when I could go home and make one there.
  • I would never own a video game system.

Umm, I have broken every one of those rules (numerous times-except for the game system, we only have Wii).

I don’t judge nearly as much now that I have a 12 year old.

When I have friends with older kids and I see them doing something I don’t really agree with, like giving them a cell phone. I ask lots of questions.

  • Why they gave them one?
  • What rules do they have?
  • Are they glad they gave  him one?

Because while I inherently disagree with my 12 yo needing a cell phone, I am sure one day he will end up having one and I might as well LEARN from others instead of JUDGING them.

Remember we are all moms doing the best we can.


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