big baby

Mom’s Intuition Led her to Choose a Cesarean

There was a mom, Michele on the Hypnobabies Yahoo Group who was posting that her OB was doing the “Big…

6 years ago

Your Baby is TOO Big!

Thing 1 was 4 pounds 3 ounces (born 6 weeks early, via emergency cesarean.) I had set a goal to…

15 years ago

2 new positive “big baby” birth stories

I just added these 2 stories to my Big Baby Bull Page. BOP warning for my Hypnobabies moms. These moms…

15 years ago

Is it possible to have a 12 pound baby born vaginally?

Why yes it is!  I got this e-mail from a reader.  (A google search found the biggest baby born vaginally…

15 years ago

T's Feelings about her meeting

Not surprisingly T. wasn’t very satisfied with this conversation.  She didn’t feel heard or respected.  Rather she felt that she…

16 years ago

Big Baby Bull

(this is not meant as medical advice, this is to remind moms everywhere that you have rights.... choose to use…

16 years ago

Another inspiring big baby story.

I have a thing about doctors scaring moms about their potential "big baby".  It is really hard to judge by…

16 years ago

New website on Big Babies It looks like it has some great info for parents worried about having big babies.  I LOVED this quote…

16 years ago

Great Big Baby Birth Story

Great awesome Big Baby Vaginal Birth Story The baby was 11 pounds 5 ounces, the mom was attended by a…

17 years ago

Inductions part 2

5 Good reasons for an Induction 1.  Pre-eclampsia/Toxemia - This can be a serious risk to mom and baby.  You…

17 years ago

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