Categories: BirthPregnancy

10 Tips for a Unique Baby Shower

I just went to a baby shower for Triplets last night and have another baby shower next week.  I am surrounded by moms having babies and I love it!  Here are some of my tips.

  1. Make a birthing bracelet or necklace – have a bowl of beads and as mom opens a guests gift, the guest picks out a bead and gives it to the mom with a wish for her or her baby (I wish you a fast easy birth!)  Then someone can make a necklace or bracelet from the beads and mom can wear it during her birth, remembering all the well wishes she was given!   I LOVE to to this, it makes the shower more meaningful then just opening gifts!
  2. Diaper Cakes are Cool! – This is a fun way to give mom diapers in a cute “package”
  3. Have envelopes out for each guest to self-address.  It makes it SO much easier for mom to send her Thank You Notes.
  4. Baby Shower Games – Play only 1 or 2 and make sure they are fun!
  5. Frozen Casserole Party – If mom is having baby #2 or 3, have a casserole party, where the guests can bring a frozen casserole instead of a baby gift.  Mom will really appreciate having food in the freezer after the baby is born!
  6. Spread out the Work – I have co-hosted a lot of showers and it makes it so much easier when you have 3 or 4 people helping out.  One person can provide their home, one can do the cake, one can do the games and favors.  One can make the invitations. This makes it so much easier then doing it all alone!
  7. Bring a “favorite” for mom – This can count as a game too.  Each guest can bring one of their “favorite” new mom things.  They put it in the basket and then later mom takes each item out and the guest explains why she loves it.  It can range from a cool water bottle, to breast pads.  But it is a lot of fun and mom has some gifts for HER!
  8. Use E-vite AND Print Invitations – Invitations can take a lot of time.  I personally like to do a paper invitation, like Tiny Prints and e-vite invitations.  This makes it easy for me to keep track of who is coming via e-mail RSVP and the guests have something to hang on their fridge and get an e-mail reminder.  So I double duty it.  🙂
  9. Have a Group Gift – This is a great way for those who can not make it to still contribute.  Also many people don’t have time to shop but want to give something.  So having a group gift option is a great way to get something big for mom!
  10. Make it a Blessing Way – This to me is more meaningful then just a shower.  It adds to my first idea of people giving personal wishes to mom.  It makes it about preparing for birth and supporting a new mom, instead of just opening presents.
  11. BONUS – Make it a Positive Birth Story Only ZONE! Mom wants to hear only positive birth stories as she gets ready to birth her baby.  Put a sign on the door to remind people of this.

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