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10 Tips to Save Money for Back to School

  1. At the end of last school year I went through the boys old school stuff.  Some of it was still in working condition.  (They are boys, so they don’t love to color, so their markers were pretty pristine.)
  2. I got a copy of next years school supply list (sent out with the last day of school info)  I figured out what we had that worked and then made a list of what we needed.  I put that on my shopping iPhone app.  Then I could watch for sales.
  3. Start shopping early – I learned this from my friend.  Last summer she was shopping in June.  I couldn’t understand it.  But she was getting things for 1 cent.  I waited until the end of August and there are no sales then!  This summer I started early and by watching the ads in the paper I have been able to get things for 1 cent.  ‘
  4. Buy extra stuff when it is on sale.  When things are a great deal (like 20 cent crayons) I stock up.  Even if my boys don’t need them, the teachers really appreciate them later in the school year.  (School supplies make a great Christmas Gift for teachers!)
  5. Look for great rebates too.  Staples had a GREAT thing where you got a full rebate on a backpack.  So I basically got free backpacks for the boys!
  6. Facebook and Twitter can be a great way to stay up on good deals!
  7. Buy with friends.  The boys each needed 2 red pens.  But I found a great deal on a package of 10 pens.  So I bought it and shared the extra with my friends!
  8. Shop for clothes at resale stores.  Clothes can be such a big cost – I love resale stores!
  9. Hand Me Downs are another way to save on clothes.
  10. Don’t shop with your kids!  Maybe this is mean of me, but I leave the kids home when I shop.  They love to buy a lot more then we need.
“I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Staples blogging program, making me eligible to get a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”

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