Top 9 ways to have an unnecessary cesarean

I found a new L&D nurses blog which I am really loving. 

She has a great post of the Top 8 ways to have an unnecessary cesarean.     She added one to a different list of Top 7 ways to have an unnecessary cesarean.

I loved these lists, but looking at my students who have had cesareans, I was inspired to add 1 more.  So here is my #9 added to theirs, I also added a part to #1 (not inspired by my students, but rather from other stories I have heard). 

12% of my Hypnobabies students have had cesareans –

5 students all together.  A, B, C, D, E


(A and B were VBAC moms.)


A is who inspired my adding #9.  Her careprovider said she was supportive of VBAC, but at the last minute wasn’t and mom didn’t fight it, and went in for an elective repeat cesarean. 


B did #7, 5, 4, 3


C did #8, 6, 4, 3, 2


D did 7, 5, 3 in her case the amniotomy caused extreme stress in the baby and necessitated an emergency cesarean.  


E was an emergency cesarean because of placental abruption.

#9 Choose a care provider without research – Some OB’s are cesarean happy.  Some OB’s say they support VBAC’s but their statistics don’t back it up. 


#8  Agree to a labor induction without medical indication. This is a sure fire way to make a birth more of a challenge.  Ask LOTS of questions. 


#7  Go the hospital in the early phases of labor.


#6  Don’t eat or drink during a long labor.


#5  Get an amniotomy too soon.


#4  Accept pitocin to induce or stimulate contractions.


#3  Request an epidural.


#2  Accept hospital staff’s comments on lack of progress without challenge.


#1 Just ask – or Failure to Ask Questions! – Sure some moms ask for cesareans, though I think that is very rare.  It is more likely that moms are told they need a cesarean because of xyz (breech baby, twins, big baby) and they don’t ask questions, get second opinions, etc. 






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