Categories: DoulaLife-As

Being a mom and a doula is better then ever!

I am one of those glass half full kind of people, so except for those 10 months of PPD after Thing 2 was born, I pretty much have always felt like my life is pretty good.

However, I am entering a new phase of life and it is better then ever!

I am now a Mom of BIG kids.

I have a confession, I love little kids and had fun when my boys were little, but it was EXHAUSTING.  I like this stage so much more!  That is actually a relief, because I was kind of scared of having big boys.

I have a 12 year old now, so am about to enter the “mom of a teen” phase.  So far I have to say I am enjoying Thing 1 more and more as he grows.  He was quite the challenging little one (from about 2-11) so it is definitely better. Not to mention we have a BIB, (built in babysitter).  So date nights with my DH are more frequent and cheaper too!

Thing 2 is 9 and for the first time ever had a great teacher in school last year for 4th grade.  I am talking about the kind of teacher you want to clone.  She loves and inspires the kids and is just wonderful.    Well guess what, she is going to move up to grade 5 for next year, AND Thing 2 gets to keep his wonderful, amazing teacher!  Wow, I guess it isn’t “better”, but rather the best,  again!

Thing 3 is 4 years old and pretty independent.  He is pretty darn cute and I can sit and chat with my friends while he plays with his friends at the park.  Even better, he can wipe his own bum now.  So the only bum I have to wipe is MY OWN!  Definitely better then ever.

I love teaching Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis and being a Birth Doula!

The 4th of July we went to watch fireworks with our good friends and while waiting the question came up, “What is your dream job.”

Well, I was so happy to say, “I am living my dream job!  What can be better then helping expecting parents prepare for one of the most amazing times of their lives.  Well, maybe being there with them while they have their baby, which I also get to do!”

Since my boys are getting older and I have a BIB (built in babysitter) I can actually teach more and take more doula clients now too.  So work is definitely better then ever too!

Dove is having a cool “Better then Ever” contest on Facebook.  Go check it out at

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Dove® gofresh™ blogging program, making me eligible to get a $25 gift card and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here.” (include this link to the discussion page:

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