This is something we talk about in my Hypnobabies Classes.  Many careproviders give ALL their moms pitocin after birth, with the purpose of speeding up the third stage of birth.  (Delivery of the placenta)  There are certainly times when it is medically necessary (excessive bleeding) but to give it routinely to every mom is not neccessary.  I did not get it after my 3rd birth and was fine.   The OB did note I was bleeding a bit more than expected.  She did some fundal massage and that helped, so I didn’t need any pitocin.

I have had nurses tell moms “You WILL hemmorage if you don’t get this.”   The nurses honestly think that a mom NEEDS it.  If this was true, then how did the human race survive before pitocin?

Some of my students question, “Does it really matter?  The baby is born, so it won’t effect them.”  I didn’t really know what to say to that before.  So I said, “Talk with your care provider and decide what you want.”

Well, now I have found this study which links the use of pitocin in third stage to decrease in breastfeeding rates.   This article explains more studies need to be done, but it does give a good reason to question the ROUTINE use of pitocin during third stage.


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