Categories: BirthPregnancy

Finding Out???

When you told people you were having your 20 week ultrasound, I can guarantee they asked,

“Are you finding out the sex?”

If you say No, you may get interesting responses.

  • Why wouldn’t you find out?
  • It would be so much easier to know and be prepared!
  • But I want to know!
  • Then you will get a lot of green and yellow things at your shower.
  • Don’t you want to know?

If you want a great response to

“You’re not going to find out the sex? But don’t you want to know? It would… drive me crazy!”

check out some of Pregnant Chicken’s responses. Be warned, you may pee your pants reading this blog.  I am not even pregnant and I peed my pants.

A great tool for the green/yellow issue. Enter Perfect way to get more than gender neutral gifts.

If you want to have some fun, you can have a Reveal Party – via Pregnancy Chicken again.

If you say yes, you may get less surprising responses.

  • Do you want a boy or a girl?
  • You know it isn’t 100% guaranteed.
  • You are hoping for a girl right???? (If you have a boy, or especially if you have 2 or more boys)
  • I am so glad, I really want to know what you are having!

Either way deciding whether to “find out” or not may be one of your first big decisions as a parent!




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