Having an IV during birth isn’t a big deal! Or is it?

In Hypnobabies we teach moms about their choices of having an IV during birth.

  • Get an IV
  • Get a Saline Lock
  • Have neither

Honestly in the hospitals in my area it would be hard to get away with no saline lock.  Though it is your right to refuse it!  I think at a hospital a nice compromise is a Saline Lock.  This way there is an open vein in case of emergency, but you don’t have the risks of an IV.

But wait, what kind of risks are there?

It is JUST an IV.

This is what nurses have said to my students and doula clients.

They have even said, “There are NO risks”

Well, there are risks and here are just a few:

  • Your blood will get diluted and that will lower your natural oxytocin levels, which may then cause your pressure waves to space out, which could lead to needing pitocin.
  • Your body may get bloated from the excess fluids.
  • It is really easy for a nurse to add different medication to your IV without you noticing.
  • Your BABY may have excessive weight loss after birth – which can lead to breastfeeding problems.  (The staff will want you to supplement with formula)

Does this mean you should never get an IV during birth?  Of course not, there are times it is good or even needed.  Like if a mom is dehydrated!

But it should NOT be a Routine to every mom who comes in.

Stand up for your rights, refuse an IV unless medically indicated!

If you get a saline lock, if there is an emergency they will have an open vein.  So this is a reasonable option.  All the benefits without any risks!

What if I am GBS positive?

You do NOT need an IV to get anitbiotics.

You can get a Saline Lock.  They will administer the antibiotics through the saline lock and then unhook you.


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