Categories: DoulaLife-As

Hmm, interesting Amazon issue

So, I am an Amazon Affiliate, which is fun.  If I talk about a book or product I can link to it on Amazon and I get a tiny percentage of what people buy as an Amazon credit.  If you have a blog or website, you should be one too!

I got an e-mail today saying I can earn 10% on their diaper sales this month.  They have pre-made buttons to use.  I thought that is cool.  I actually used 1-800-Diapers when Thing 3 was little and it was nice to have diapers delivered and the prices were good.  So I thought I can add that button to my blog.  It is something I support.

But the buttons all say, “Diapers, wipes and formula”

Hmm, hence my issue.

I am a big breastfeeding supporter.   My DH even named my portable hard drive Lactivist.  I know that some moms can’t breastfeed or choose to bottlefeed.  I support those moms too.

But I feel like it somehow isn’t really  ME if I have a button on my blog that is selling formula.

Is that weird?

So, I made my own button that says just diapers and wipes.  You can see it on the right.  Not as pretty as the Amazon official one, but it works.  🙂


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