Categories: BirthPregnancy

Low Fluid – What does this mean?

I have seen more and more moms who are going in for inductions for low fluid.

Once there was even a mom who was told after a fluid check she needed to go to get induced for low fluid.  She went home and got stuff together and went back.  The hospital said she was late.  She had been on the schedule for an induction for 10 am, which was an hour before she even got her fluid measured. Hmmmm, seems oddly suspicious to me.

I think if a mom is going for a non-stress test or a fluid level check or a basic ultrasound, she should have these questions handy, in case they are told they have “low fluid”.

Ask questions!

  • What level is my fluid?
  • What is considered normal?  Between 5 and 10 should be watched more closely, but it is in the normal range.
  • Is baby doing ok?
  • If you look at more then just the fluid, how is the baby doing?
  • Can I go home and rest and drink a lot and come back tomorrow and get my fluid measured again?

(It is amazing how different levels can be measured by different people within a short period of time. )

There was a very interesting post by a L&D nurse about an induction for just this reason.

Here is another thought provoking post regarding low fluid by Gloria Lemay.

I also love this story of a mom who follows her intuition when care providers tried to scare her about low fluid.



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