Categories: Birth

Is it possible to have a 12 pound baby born vaginally?

Why yes it is!  I got this e-mail from a reader.  (A google search found the biggest baby born vaginally was 15 pounds!)

I ran across your web site while looking for articles on the worlds biggest baby & i was wondering about the largest to ever be delivered vaginally.

My mom is 5 feet tall & had all 4 of her big babies vaginally. I was the smallest at 9lbs even, induced 1 week early b/c i was “too big” my little brother was the largest at 10lbs.

So I expected to have large babies. i’m 5′ 7″ and rather large framed. My 1st son I, 10lbs 3oz & 21.5 inches long, was born vaginally after 23 hours of labor. I was induced 11 days overdue, & in fact was induced with all 3 of my kids.

With my 2nd I was only 8 days overdue & the ultrasound tech speculated that this baby was 9-10 lbs. I was induced at 8 am & James was born just after 11 pm. He was 12 lbs 3 oz & 23.5 inches long with a 16.5 inch head circumference! A male nurse shouted out “he’s a monster!” when they had him on the scale, then started apologizing, but it was ok i knew what he meant..i bet the guy likes to fish on his off time! i am blessed with quite a sense of humor. The doctor apologized to me for allowing me to give birth vaginally to James! If they had only known they would have done a c-section. Well thank God they didn’t!  I was up walking around within the hour!

My 3rd son was born about 14 months after james. Gabriel was my littlest itty bitty baby at 9lbs 14oz & 19 inches. That was really amusing to the nurses & docs, but he really did seem tiny after giant James. I’m including a photo of James about 12 hours old.

You can post this if you want. Thanks! Becky
Thank YOU Becky!  What a great example that big babies CAN be born vaginally!


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