Kachingle Me to show your support

What the heck is Kachingling and why would I want to be Kachingled?

As you know, I love to support moms, dads and birth workers.  I try contribute helpful information to the birth community. When my sweet husband questioned the amount of time I spend blogging about birth, I thought, maybe if I make a bit of money it will make more sense to him. So I have started to add some money generating items to my blog.

  • I have had an Amazon store on my site for over a year and that is an easy and fun way to share things I think are great.
  • I have added my first ad to the left for Vista Print – this is where I get my business supplies and make my yearly Christmas Cards, so it is a service I know and love. (Go ahead and click to see what things they may have for you!)
  • If you are interested in having an ad on Enjoy Birth, let me know!
  • I also recently discovered Kachingle via Mama is comics .  It sounded interesting, but I waited to see how it worked out for her.  She is loving it, so I thought I would try it!

Kachingle enables readers and followers to support sites you love. I encourage you to support Enjoy Birth by joining Kachingle.

I’d appreciate it if you joined Kachingle. You can do this by placing your mouse over the Kachingle Medallion (top left side of the web page). In the drop down menu it will give you the option to “Join Now”. Click on that to sign up on the Kachingle web site.

When you join Kachingle, you start a subscription, contributing $5 per month to your Kachingle account via PayPal (you can cancel at any time). The first time you visit a Kachingle site that you want to support, you mouseover on that site’s Kachingle Medallion and click on “Start kachingling”. Your visits to that site are then recorded from that point on and at the end of each month, Kachingle proportionately distributes your $5 to all the sites you selected & viewed that month, based on the number of times you went to each.

Micropayments for blogs you love to read-brilliant!

Thanks for your support and let me know if you have a blog and add Kachingle to your site and I will come Kachingle you!



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