Categories: DoulaVBAC

New Doula clients

I am so excited, after a self-imposed 6 month break from doulaing, I have 2 and maybe soon 3 clients. 

1 was one of my Hypnobabies students and she is having a homebirth.  I am SO excited for that.  I love being a doula at homebirths.  There is such a neat feeling at them.

1 I “met” from the Hypnobabies Yahoo Group.  She used the Hypnobabies Home Study.   She is having a VBAC and at first I didn’t think I would be able to be her doula, because of a vacation scheduled in the midst of her guess month.  She was disappointed, but came out to our Hypnobabies Open House to meet some other doulas.   I met her and felt a connection and really wanted to be her doula.  I told her that my vacation dates might be moved and she waited until I knew for sure before hiring someone else. 

My vacation did get moved and I was able to be her doula.  I went to our first prenatal visit the other week and it was so fun and we found out that we are both LDS, so that is kind of cool.  Not that it matters, but it is fun. 

After my trip I will be on call again for the first time in many months.  That is the only thing that I don’t love about being a doula.  Never knowing “when” I will be needed.  It always works out, but it is sometimes hard not to worry about where I will put my kids during a birth. 

My DH is a great backup for the kids, but sometimes he goes out of town and then I get a little stressed.  I worry someone will go into their birthing time in the middle of the night.  It has happened once and it worked out fine.  But I told him he can NOT go out of town for 2 specific weeks in April, because my 2 friends who are my childcare are both going to be gone for Spring Break.


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