No Media and new Rhythm of the Day

photo credit: stars alive

One change we have instituted in our family since starting at the Waldorf school is limiting our media.

Limited Media

We are instituting a no TV/computer games during the week rule.  (Friday and Saturday are OK, also T1 is allowed computer privileges for learning activities.  He taught himself Basic Programming Language last week, but aimlessly surfing the net, not allowed.)

T2 brought up a good point – I shouldn’t be on the computer all the time too. So I made a deal, if he can give up  TV/computer games, I will do all my computer work during the day while they are at school and it will be off once he is home!

This will be a huge change and may be an answer to some of my prayers.  I feel like I have spent way to much time on the computer in the past year.  I am passionate about Birth and sharing that passion via the internet is a worthy cause, but my family has suffered.

I love the Book Parenting Well in a Media Age: Keeping Our Kids Human.  It is by far the most helpful, inspirational book I have read regarding media and parenting.  It is something I have struggled with as a mom from the beginning of my mothering career.  We certainly use a lot less media than most of my sons peers, but still more then I like.  So I am thrilled to have this push to decrease our media even more.

Waldorf also talks about having rhythms.

I love this idea, especially for postpartum period, when we are adjusting to new changes in our lives.  (I feel like I am postpartum, adjusting to this new school in our lives)  Rhythms are a bit more flexible then our routines, but helps our days go more smoothly.

Our Family’s New School Day Rhythm

Wake boys up with a song.

Stay calm while getting them ready for the day (a big challenge for me)

They do morning chores, eat breakfast and gather things for school.

Boys headed to school by 8

Do my morning chores, which include

  • pray
  • study scriptures
  • clean house
  • declutter
  • prep dinner
  • make phone calls (I hate doing this, but if I make myself do it before the computer goes on, it will get done!)

9:30-12 computer time.  If I can’t get everything done during this time, I need to re-evaluate what the heck am I doing on the computer for so long!!!  I actually downloaded a cool free program called RescueTime and it tells me exactly what I am spending my time doing. Interesting stuff.

12 – 1 go to get Kindergartners (we carpool with another Kindergartner and they drive there every day)

1-2:30 enjoy T3 (read, play games, some days we may have playdates with friends)

2:30-3:30 get T2

3:30 on –

  • busy afternoon activity (scouts, singing/dancing group, soccer)
  • dinner
  • homework
  • bath for T3 (we used to do this 3x a week, but with no media every night is working better, great way to pass the time!)
  • bedtime routine for T3 – in bed by 7:30
  • my things like teaching, bookclubs, Girls Night Out
  • or relaxing with boys and DH

My Epic Fail

I was so proud yesterday when I got a crock pot dinner cooking.

I didn’t think about it until 10:30, so I decided to start it at 1.  Which I did, but I cooked it on low, so it was NOT ready at 5 when I went to serve dinner.  That was a big bummer. (Or Epic Fail as T1 told me – ‘Mom, that was an epic fail!)

That is when I decided to add Dinner prep in my morning chores.  Either get crock pot ready, or know what I am cooking and do any prep (meat out of freezer, fix casserole to be put in oven, etc)

I am excited about these new changes for our family!

Birth related?

You may want to think about media usage now!  The American Academy of Pediatricians recommend NO TV for kids under 2.

Having a gentle rhythm to your day can help while pregnant and especially with a new baby.  I know after I had T2 I had PPD and setting up a routine is one thing that helped me to move through it and break free.  FlyLady was so great for me in helping to establish those routines.

Sometimes despite good plans we have Epic Fails and that is OK.  Just keep on pressing forward.  Tomorrow can be a better day!


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