Categories: ParentingSimplify

52 Organizing/Goals – Week 3: Toys in the Kitchen?

Because I love goals so much per my post yesterday – One of my readers told me last week about her Project 52 – Setting 52 goals for this year.  I thought I could incorporate it into my 52 Weeks of Organizing post.  I figured even if I just had the goals to do the 52 organizing that would work.  But as I wrote out my 52 goals I found quite a few to work on and only some are organizing.

I am excited to have a place to be accountable for what goals I have set, especially for things that are daily or weekly.  I will put the whole list in my sidebar and usually just update on what I have accomplished that week in the post.

Anyway here is my whole goal list for the year and my organizing post is under that.   The italicized ones are things that are daily/weekly or monthly.

  1. Pray and read scriptures as a family every day.  – NOT happening yet.
  2. Family Home Evening (family night/planning and game) Every Week.  Have held it for the last 2 weeks.
  3. Eat as a Family 3 times a week.  – 2 times this week.  The biggest problem is DH always gets home too late to eat together.  I maybe shoudl change this to 2 times a week.  Or count if me and the boys eat at the table instead of them at the counter and me standing even if Rob isn’t there?
  4. Be on time to church each week – So far so good, even with a change to 9 AM church.
  5. Study Scriptures Daily – Mmm, I wouldn’t say “study” but I have read or listened every day at least a little.
  6. Pray Daily – yes
  7. walk 4 times a week – 2 times
  8. Cook healthy homemade meals 3 times a week – YES, this is miraculous.
  9. Make a Weekly Meal Plan – No
  10. Keep the Kitchen Table CLEAN! – No
  11. Go on 3 dates a month – 1 date so far.
  12. Go on a Hike Each Month – No
  13. Be active participant in my 3 book clubs (4th on months only when it is feasible) – Still need to read 4th book, I don’t know if that will happen this month.  But I have read the other books and attended one book club.
  14. Create and Hang Family Mission Statement by March
  15. Family Camping Trip by October
  16. Save 15% of Rob’s income
  17. Online Classes – KNO – by May
  18. Sell 33 Hypnobabies Home Study
  19. Teach 22 couples in my Hypnobabies
  20. Attend 5 great births as a Doula – Attended 1 this week!  🙂
  21. Share Induction Video Far and Wide – Had post about it this week.
  22. Create something to sell for Enjoy Birth that would benefit pregnant moms.
  23. Certified in Emotion Code –Busy watching DVDs
  24. Start a strength training program
  25. Loose 15 pounds – Using Weight Release Program – On week 3 of this and enjoying it!
  26. Start eating Green Smoothies – Have spinach in my fridge and it is going bad.  🙁
  27. Support T1 as he earns his Eagle Scout
  28. Learn to Knit
  29. Organize –My desk
  30. Move all downstairs toys – upstairs and come up with new system to keep downstairs clean – Have moved most upstairs, trying to figure out new system.
  31. Organize the new TV Entertainment Center
  32. Clean out the office
  33. Create a new shoe system for the house (the boys shoes are getting to stinky to keep in the family room.)
  34. Go through my clothes and get rid of old things I never wear!
  35. Get Master Bedroom de-cluttered, organized and hang pictures/mirror on wall (have been on floor for over 2 years now)
  36. Organize the Game Closet – maybe move to new area?
  37. Keep the magazines under control – actually read the magazines I get and then give away.
  38. Go to Blogging Conference
  39. Girls weekend with Jenn!
  40. Organize the jackets and make a new system for that!
  41. Take the pictures down from my 40th party
  42. Buy and install New blinds for Dining Area and Bedroom
  43. Buy a new fridge.
  44. Make Blurb Book from my family blog
  45. Make a Blurb Book from my Birth Blog
  46. Make Family Calendar for Christmas
  47. Get rid of 2 boxes worth of books
  48. Help Thing 2 earn his Webelo and Arrow of Light
  49. Volunteer 50 hours a school year at boys school
  50. Follow the Spirit when making big decisions (little ones too)
  51. Be patient with my Three Things and Rob too.
  52. Read 24 books and review them on Good Reads.

We usually housed this toy organizer in the family room, but it was moved to the kitchen/dining area when the Christmas Tree got put up.

Rob and I talked and decided it was time to try and move all the toy storage up to T3’s room.  He has plenty of storage in his room already after my huge de-cluttering in the fall.  So I just took what was downstairs and incorporated it upstairs.

I asked him if I could get rid of the Rescue Heroes.  He said I could put them up high in the closet.  (Where I have put toys to rotate in and out of his room.)

I also went through all his animals, people and cars again.  Getting rid of the McDonald Toys which manage to reproduce at night.

I also decided to get rid of some cars.  But which ones?  I separated out the Cars (from the Disney Movie) cars into a separate bucket, which is up high in his closet if he wants them.

He still had too many cars.  I had a lightbulb moment and decided to get rid of the ones with advertising on them!

These are the ones I donated to charity!  I don’t even know where I got these from.  It irks me to no end that advertising is so prevalent and geared towards kids!  So it felt great to get rid of them. I will admit I kept the DHL truck as he loves those long trucks and I figured that DHL is a real truck he sees on the road and it delivers packages – good imagination play.  Vs Coca Cola which he also may see, but is a soda truck.  We don’t need that.

Now the big questions are:

  • Where are we going to put his treasure chest where he empties his pockets of treasures he finds at school every day? (treasures being rocks and sticks)  You can see it on top of the shelves there.
  • How are we going to get the toys he brings down every day upstairs every night?  We used to just throw them on a shelf or in a box.

Where did we move the shelves? Up to Thing 2’s room.  That will be another weeks project of helping him organize his Lego’s better.  Now he at least will have a good system to do so.

I will be honest T3 cried actual sobbing last night when we brought the shelves upstairs.  He was so sad to see them go.  I assured him his toys were upstairs.  That he could see the shelves in his brothers room.  He asked me to put him to bed and cried himself to sleep.  This morning when he woke up he came downstairs, remembered they were gone, went up into his brothers room and said hi to the shelves.

For those wondering about all the pictures on the window.  My DH threw me a surprise 40th birthday party in Sept and the pictures are still up.  That will be an easy organizing chore.  🙂


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