Categories: Birth

Will we push this baby out in December?

I have enjoyed being part of such a wonderful group of women as we pooled our efforts to create an inspirational book about spirituality and birth.  We are all doing this in our spare time as we birth, mother and raise our families.  Here is a glimpse of what it is about.

The Gift of Giving Life: Rediscovering the Divine Nature of Pregnancy and Birth offers something that no other pregnancy book has before—a spiritual look at pregnancy and birth by and for Latter-day Saint [Mormon] women and other women of faith. With inspiring birth stories and essays from dozens of real LDS women, scriptures, words of the prophets and other spiritual texts related to pregnancy and birth, The Gift of Giving Life is the essential pregnancy companion for every LDS woman.

The Gift of Giving Life does not advocate for any one type of birth or approach to prenatal care, rather it intends to unify our families and communities in regard to the sacredness of birth. We also aim to provide you with resources, information, and inspiration that you may not have had access to all in one place before.

Though we have written the book unabashedly for an LDS audience, we hope that birthing women, birth attendants and birth advocates of all faiths will find it useful and informative.

You can see the Table of Contents here.

Here is the cover of the book!  I love it.  🙂

Click here to pre-order a copy!

Our new official “due date” is January 12, 2012, but we’re hoping we can push this baby out before Christmas.


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