Wish you could have gone to the Trust Birth Conference?

Miss the 2010 Trust Birth Conference?  Attend a session that you’d love to hear again?  Now is the time to preorder the 2010 recordings at a discounted price!  You will be notified when the sessions are available for download.

PRESALE on 2010 Trust Birth Conference Sessions

Any 5 for $75 ($15 each)

Any 10 for $140 ($14 each)

Any 20 for $260 ($13 each)

Any 60 for $660 ($11 each)

On April 1st, the 2010 sessions will go to their regular price of $20 each, with varying discounts for larger orders.

AND, we are offering a HUGE savings on the cost of the 2008 sessions:
2008 Trust Birth Conference Sessions
1-9: regular price of $15 each
Any 10 – $135 ($13.50 each)
Any 20 – $220 ($11 each)
Any 30 – $300 ($10 each)
Any 40 – $360 ($9 each)
Any 50 – $400 ($8 each)
All 60 – $420 ($7 each)

You can also preorder the 2010 Trust Birth Conference magazine for $20 (regular price will be $26).

All orders must be made prior to April 1 or regular prices will be charged. Pay via paypal by going to www.paypal.com and sending money to: trustbirthconference@trustbirth.com and make a note in the comments section as to what you are purchasing.  Please forward a copy of your paypal receipt to Lori for the 2008 sessions and she will send you a coupon code for downloading them.   You can choose your mp3s for the 2010 sessions when they are ready.

These purchases will help us to pay off the debt of the 08 and 10 conferences.


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