31 days took a lot out of me and the Eagle has landed!
While it was fun to post 31 days in a row, it was tiring too.
So I needed a little break.
I haven’t really been sitting around eating bon bons.
Birth wise –
I am working on getting a podcast up and running
and I am writing another book
I just finished up a Hypnobabies Class Series
I am on call to be a doula as back up and then for my friend having her 8th baby! 🙂
I hope to be posting about blessing ways and catch up on some birth stories I have waiting in the wings for you.
Also I will be sharing something personal that happened to me birthwise a few months ago.
Mom wise
I helped with the boys Harvest Faire this past weekend and it was a great success.
T2 is busy making music and I am helping him with that, as well as driving him to many different performing activities.
T3 is loving 1st grade and having lots of playdates after school.
T1 earned his EAGLE SCOUT!!!! That was huge. I was the encourager, but he did it all. It took over a year from finishing his project to getting it done. But yay, that is huge. BTW, this is the first hug I have gotten from him in years.