No week was normal. I was so glad that I had scheduled out most of my A to Z posts. That made it easy to not think much about blogging (except answering comments)
Week 1 – T2 and T3 were home for spring break. We had fun (but not too much fun, since T1 couldn’t join us) during the days.
Week 2 – Cruisin’ the Western Carribean with my sweet husband. Grandma was home watching the boys. They had fun and so did we! Highlights were – kayaking and snorkeling in Roatan. Visiting 2 different ruins, 1 in Belize and the other Costa Maya and then a fun day biking around Key West. Week 3 – T1 had spring break, so we did fun things together. He also went on a campout and slept 7 boys in a 2 man tent. Meaning they didn’t really sleep at all. Then they did a hike the next day. He was home at 3:30, ate dinner by 4:30 and promptly passed out on the floor. He moved to his room at some point and slept for 16 hours!
Week 4 – Easter fun. We had an Easter Egg hunt at church. Then T2 and T3 performed at a Bunny Days. Then Sunday we had church and went up to Grandma’s house for dinner!
My 3 Things
Then T1 was at Science Camp for the week. Friday we had May Day celebration at the Waldorf School. That was fun!
Now it is officially May!
Since I did no goal updates in April –
Here is an update on all my 52 goals and how I am doing. I feel like I am doing good in some areas and some not at all!
Attend 5 great births as a Doula – Have attended 3
Share Induction Video Far and Wide – It is out there more than it was, but need to do MORE.
Certified in Emotion Code – Am still working on this
Online Classes – KNO – by May – Have not even thought of this at all. Need to adjust this date.
Sell 33 Hypnobabies Home Study – 14 so far
Create something to sell for Enjoy Birth that would benefit pregnant moms. – Have not even thought of this
Teach 22 couples in my Hypnobabies – Starting a class tonight – with 5 couples signed up! 2 repeat moms!
walk 4 times a week – I probably averaged about 3 times a week. Did lots of walking on the cruise. Tried to only take the stairs the whole time.
Cook healthy homemade meals 3 times a week –Sucked at this. Really sucked! I am making the Main Focus of May to be cooking!
Make a Weekly Meal Plan – Sucked
Eat as a Family 3 times a week. – Horrible.
Start a strength training program – Pretty good the weeks T1 was home, we worked out together.
Loose 15 pounds –The cruise did not help with this. Back up to my starting weight.
Start eating Green Smoothies – Sucked at this. May is the month! The awesome food month!
OK – MAY I am focusing on MEALS. May = Healthy Meals.
Keep the Kitchen Table CLEAN! – Improving all the time.
Go on 3 dates a month – Totally did this in April.
Be active participant in my 3 book clubs (4th on months only when it is feasible) – Down to being active in 2 book clubs. The school one has faded away. 2 is totally doable for me.
Family Camping Trip by October – Planning one for end of August
Save 15% of Rob’s income – So far so good
Go on a Hike Each Month – Had a great hike in April to the Frog Pond
Pray and read scriptures as a family every day. – I seem to be able to do this when we have a normal rhythm. Because April was weird every week, we did not do great with this.
Family Home Evening (family night/planning and game) Every Week. Yes – so far every week that we were home.
Be on time to church each week – Yes, still doing good with this!
Study Scriptures Daily – Again, with our rhythm messed up didn’t do so great.
Pray Daily – yes
Read 24 books and review on Good Reads – Read and reviewed 19 so far this year.
Learn to Knit
Organize the new TV Entertainment Center
Clean out the office
Create a new shoe system for the house (the boys shoes are getting to stinky to keep in the family room.)
Get Master Bedroom de-cluttered, organized and hang pictures/mirror on wall (have been on floor for over 4 years now)
Go to Blogging Conference – Have tickets
Girls weekend with Jenn! – Have it scheduled
Organize the jackets and make a new system for that!
Buy a new fridge.
Make Blurb Book from my family blog
Make a Blurb Book from my Birth Blog
Make Family Calendar for Christmas
Get rid of 2 boxes worth of books
Follow the Spirit when making big decisions (little ones too)-
Be patient with my Three Things and Rob too.
Support T1 as he earns his Eagle Scout – He is doing good. He has called a local nature center to see if they have any projects they need done.
Volunteer 50 hours a school year at boys school – I am up to 30 hours.
Help Thing 2 earn his Webelo and Arrow of Light – Almost has his Arrow of Light. Helping him with his Pinewood Derby car this week!
Move all downstairs toys – upstairs and come up with new system to keep downstairs clean – Have moved most upstairs, STILL trying to figure out new system of how to handle toys T3 brings downstairs during the day.
Get Contacts for T1 – Need to make appointment for this!
DONE/COMPLETED! (This section looks very small – but many of my goals are ongoing, so that is why!)
Create and Hang Family Mission Statement by March – YES!!! Develop and Share.
Keep the magazines under control – actually read the magazines I get and then give away. – DONE
Take the pictures down from my 40th party – DONE
Organize –My desk – Done!
Go through my clothes and get rid of old things I never wear! – DONE
Organize the Game Closet – maybe move to new area? – DONE
Get Braces for T1 – DONE
Buy and install New blinds for Dining Area and Bedroom – DONE! Feels great, we love them.