Top 9 ways to have an unnecessary cesarean

I found a new L&D nurses blog which I am really loving. 

She has a great post of the Top 8 ways to have an unnecessary cesarean.     She added one to a different list of Top 7 ways to have an unnecessary cesarean.

I loved these lists, but looking at my students who have had cesareans, I was inspired to add 1 more.  So here is my #9 added to theirs, I also added a part to #1 (not inspired by my students, but rather from other stories I have heard). 

12% of my Hypnobabies students have had cesareans –

5 students all together.  A, B, C, D, E


(A and B were VBAC moms.)


A is who inspired my adding #9.  Her careprovider said she was supportive of VBAC, but at the last minute wasn’t and mom didn’t fight it, and went in for an elective repeat cesarean. 


B did #7, 5, 4, 3


C did #8, 6, 4, 3, 2


D did 7, 5, 3 in her case the amniotomy caused extreme stress in the baby and necessitated an emergency cesarean.  


E was an emergency cesarean because of placental abruption.

#9 Choose a care provider without research – Some OB’s are cesarean happy.  Some OB’s say they support VBAC’s but their statistics don’t back it up. 


#8  Agree to a labor induction without medical indication. This is a sure fire way to make a birth more of a challenge.  Ask LOTS of questions. 


#7  Go the hospital in the early phases of labor.


#6  Don’t eat or drink during a long labor.


#5  Get an amniotomy too soon.


#4  Accept pitocin to induce or stimulate contractions.


#3  Request an epidural.


#2  Accept hospital staff’s comments on lack of progress without challenge.


#1 Just ask – or Failure to Ask Questions! – Sure some moms ask for cesareans, though I think that is very rare.  It is more likely that moms are told they need a cesarean because of xyz (breech baby, twins, big baby) and they don’t ask questions, get second opinions, etc. 





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5 thoughts on “Top 9 ways to have an unnecessary cesarean”

  1. Thanks for the shout out! I like your addition of #9! It is SO IMPORTANT for women to RESERACH their birth attendants and ASK for stats on their doctors, especially if they are planning a VBAC. At my hospital there is one group who is so high intervention and cesarean happy it is nauseating. They will tell patients they “do” VBACs but then they either A) come up with some reason to schedule them for a cesarean as 36 weeks approaches or B) set them up for an induction once they hit 39 weeks with an unfavorable cervix, break their water on admission, give them 24 hours and if they don’t deliver by then, then section them for “failed VBAC.” I HATE that term “failed VBAC” and everything with “fail” in the word: “failed induction,” “failure to descent,” “failure to progress.” It’s not normal birth that’s failing!!! It’s not the woman that’s failing!!! It’s all those crazy interventions!

    But anyways, love the blog! Thanks for reading mine!!

  2. You need to see Birth in Brazil (if you haven’t already). Amazing “proof” that women do not really ask for C-secs.

  3. Nice….. I had my 1st c/sec in 1998 and did everything but #8. No wonder I had a section after 27 hrs of labor and only dialated to 3cm. I look back now and see all of the dumb things I did. I have 4 kids now – all c/sections 🙁 and had a TL after my last…..

  4. Pingback: Knitted in the Womb » Top 10 Ways to Have An Unnecessary Cesarean

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