You would think I am brocoli – because this gets me steamed up too!

(I know this is “old” news, but I am catching up from my trip in November.)

Boy, if a mom getting kicked out for Breastfeeding in Target doesn’t get you angry, maybe this will!

An OB drops his patient at 40 weeks because she refuses to have a cesarean! There was no medical indication for one, mom and baby were both ok.  AHHHHH!!!!!  This is so crazy to me.   That is illegal, he is legally obligated to arrange other care.

Luckily this mom was able to find another provider who took her this late and supported her in her quest for a VBAC, which she did have a successful one!

Sharing is caring!

2 thoughts on “You would think I am brocoli – because this gets me steamed up too!”

  1. WHAT?!? That is so totally against the law! THank God she was able to find another provider…WTH was he thinking?? I hope she reports him to whatever board he answers to…that is patient abandonment!

  2. WOW. I hadn’t heard about the OB. (Or Target, but the OB thing ticks me off more.) That is seriously unbelievable. I hope she did report him, and I hope he gets his license yanked. Not likely, but a girl can dream, right?

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