written by Sheridan – mom of 3 Busy Boys, Hypnobabies Instructor, Hypno-Doula, Proud VBAC mom, Loving Lactivist, Positive Birth Story Collector, creator of online childbirth class series “Know Your Options” and author of
- The Top Three Tips to Enjoy Your Birth, (which you can get for free by signing up for the Enjoy Birth newsletter!)
- Enjoying Pregnancy and Birth with Hypnosis
- The Gift of Giving Life.

You can contact me sheridan AT enjoybirth DOT com
I teach Hypnobabies Childbirth Hypnosis and am a Hypno-Doula in Orange County, CA www.enjoybirth.com
(I am not currently teaching or taking clients)
You can enjoy my Positive Birth Stories Website www.pregnancybirthandbabies.com

I have had 3 very different birth experiences. I wanted to have natural childbirth with each baby, however birth is unpredictable. 🙂
Thing 1 was born by emergency cesarean at 34 weeks after 9 weeks of bedrest. It was a stressful pregnancy and birth.
Thing 2 was a VBAC with an epidural. A pretty typical hospital birth with pitocin, epidural and the whole works. It was very happy with how it went, because my main goal was to have a VBAC.
Thing 3’s birth was pretty magical (see video below). It was a hospital birth, I used Hypnobabies and had a doula and had an amazing, comfortable and calm un-medicated birth! It was awesome.
Birth is a Journey: Does it have to be life changing?
I love supporting expecting moms and dads as they make their birthing journey. It is such a magical time and I love being a part of it. I support moms in whatever birth choices they make. I just try to empower them with information and support so that they have a great experience.
I am amazed by the power of the internet, which allows me to help moms from all over the world! I have connected with moms from Australia to Estonia to Japan to China to the US to so many other places as well.
I have seen many women have comfortable un-medicated births using Hypnobabies. You can read over 250 Hypnobabies stories here (sadly this website crashed). I have gathered some of my favorite birth stories as well as Hypnobabies Moms experiences in a new book – Enjoying Pregnancy and Birth with Hypnosis.
I think that Hypnobabies is a great class for expecting moms to take. It helps them deal with their fears of birth and pain and educates them on their birth choices. They use hypnosis to create natural anesthesia in their body to help them have comfortable births. All these things together help them to have the best birth possible.
I wanted to invite you to ‘pick up’ your award at my blog. :o)
HI Sheridan
I was really interested in some of the stories that you have collected and in more information on the subject of hypnobabies as I would like to add an article to my website as I have not come across it before. Can you email me some information or perhaps we can exchange links if you can make some suggests for the article.
Hi Sheridan,
Great website! Love hypnobabies too! Is that your website also? I look forward to catching up on your blog. I have some good articles in the workings that I think your readers will like.
Hi Sheridan,
Wanted to open a dialogue with you……I enjoy your blog and noted that you were a VBAC. I will be a speaker this year at ICAN and have written a book called, Fathers at Birth: Your Role in Bringing Your Child into the World….and there’s much to share between the work we do.
Hope to hear from you!
Rose 503-310-1620
Thanks for your site. I wish I had found it before I had my son, maybe I’ll try with our next baby.
My daughter was born in a hospital almost 3 years ago. Due to the Dr.’s inexperience I sustained 2 third degree tears, 1 fourth degree tear and lost 3 litres of blood. The surgeon who was called in stopped counting at 86 stitches. It was awful. I spent the first 5 months of her life wishing I had died.
I got pregnant with my son last August & my Dr wanted to schedule a C-Section. However the OB was hesitant because I am a heavy bleeder & it may cause more complications than trying vagnially. My Dr then told me to hire a nanny for after I gave birth because I would tear again, no question.
I then hired a team of midwives. Our son was born in our bathtub 2 months ago. It was the greatest & most relaxed birth I ever could’ve hoped for. The best part? ZERO stitches! It was amazing!
Keep up the good work!
Congrats on your wonderful birth last time. Good job making the best choice in care providers for you!
I want to tell you about how Tanya’s story inspired me. I found out I was pregnant very early (4 weeks). That same week I had a dentist’s appointment for a filling, cleaning and xrays. I told the dentist I thought I might be pregnant and he said we would just do the cleaning since the anesthesia is a vasoconstrictor and is not a good idea for women in their first trimester. So I got the cleaning and he told me I could come back after the first trimester.
I immediately got my hands on Hypnobabies Self-study course (8 weeks) and began practicing. I never thought at the time it would have anything to do with my impending filling. When, I studied the part about creating anesthesia however I thought there maybe a way around this whole filling and a narcotic business.
Then, I was lucky enough to read Tanya’s story about her mole biopsy while nursing and the way she used her Hypnobabies technique. Then, I watched the other links Sheridan had shared about the woman getting dental implants sans anesthesia with hypnosis and I knew I could do it.
Now don’t get me wrong; I questioned whether I could do it. What if it didn’t work? What if I felt pain? Would it be the same for my birth?
So I set up my dental appointment at 16 weeks (today) and I let the assistant know that I would not be using and shots and I had a technique for discomfort. She told me they had an anesthesia for pregnant women, but I told her I didn’t want anything except for the insert used to hold people’s mouths open during procedures when the patient was unconscious. She raised her eyebrows, but said she would let the dentist know. Fortunately the dentist and I are long time friends and he said it would be no problem. I asked him to give me a minute to put myself under- “this is it,” I thought. During the procedure the assistant said “You’re doing great Tonya, they are going to love you in the delivery room!” The dentist responded “Yeah, you will have to come back and teach this to all our patients!”
Within what seemed like two minutes they were done. The dentist asked if I was ok and I said “Oh yeah-didn’t feel a thing!” (I absolutely meant it-well I felt like I had to pee because that is just a constant lately!) He said he had gotten some fillings done before with out anesthesia but nothing like that and not without a flinch like I had just done. He said I was AMAZING! I told him it was Hypnobabies and I would send him the links on the dental procedures with hypnosis. YEA HYPNOBABIES! Now I won’t know for quite some time how my birth will turn out but I definitely feel more confident than ever!
Very nice site! I took hypnobabies with my 2nd and loved it! It helped me out in labor a lot.
I tried to have a (homebirth) VBAC with my 2nd, but it didn’t work out. If we have a 3rd, I’ll be trying for a VBA2C. I can’t imagine ever scheduling a c-section unless there was a problem presenting itself and a prior c-section is hardly such a problem.
Thanks for this great site and all the research you do to educate women and their support!