Wondering Wednesday: Are you overdosing your infant?

Many doctors recommend Vitamin D supplements for newborns.  But a lot of the droppers don’t have clear markings, so babies are getting overdosed.

I just wanted to warn my new mom readers about it.

Read more about it in the LA Times.

Sharing is caring!

6 thoughts on “Wondering Wednesday: Are you overdosing your infant?”

  1. I’ve read from numerous sources, that if a breastfed baby has low vitamin D, that means the mother is low herself. And the best way to resolve the deficiency in the baby, is to give the mother more vitamin D, which then filters into her breastmilk and resolves the deficiency in the baby.

  2. At present, there are not clear recommendations on maternal supplementation in order to achieve adequate quantities of vitamin D in breast milk. See: http://www.llli.org/llleaderweb/LV/LVIss1-2009p2.html

    Here’s an excerpt:

    “Large prospective, randomized controlled trials are currently underway, but until their completion, high-dose vitamin D supplementation for all breastfeeding mothers cannot be recommended. Infant supplementation therefore remains necessary at this time.”

    I personally supplement my children with a fast-dissolving tablet. No risk of overdose for them, none of the sugar or flavouring in commercial drops, and I know that they are getting enough. There are alternatives to the more common forms of vitamin D supplementation, thankfully.

  3. That is great to know! Thanks for sharing about the fast dissolving tablet. Where do you get them?

  4. Thanks for linking to that great PDF. I love my readers, they are so knowledgeable and willing to share!

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