Birthing Three Babies Soon!

I am gestating and growing 2 “babies”.  They should be here soon!

PUPPS Resource

I came up with this idea a few months ago, but really started creating it at the BlogHer Conference.  I need to finish editing it and then get it out there to the moms who need it! I am hoping to have that done by the end of October.

The Gift of Giving Life Website

This is something that I have been planning on doing for a few months, but knew I needed to wait for school to start.  Felice and I did some brainstorming and got things started.  I hope to have it completed by the middle of September.

I feel a little overwhelmed

I listed out all the things I have to do before our family trip in November and came up with this…

ongoing Hypnobabies Blog
ongoing Hypnobabies Yahoo Group
ongoing Enjoy Birth Blog
ongoing Teach Hypnobabies Weekly
Gift of Giving Life Website
Advertise NCB Classes Website
PUPPS Book – get it online and selling
1 Doula Client
2 doTerra Parties
Find New Laptop and move stuff over
Post Destroy Birth Video
ongoing Declutter!!!
ongoing Cook
ongoing Clean
ongoing Laundry
ongoing groceries
T2’s Birthday Party
T3’s Birthday Party
Tires for Van
Fix Van from trip
ongoing Music Time
ongoing Visiting Teaching
Primary Program
ongoing Parent Committee
ongoing Room Mom
ongoing Driving in 2 carpools
Harvest Faire
ongoing 3 Book Clubs
Make 2011 Family Calendar
ongoing Piano
ongoing Drama Club
ongoing Soccer
ongoing School Instrument
ongoing Scouts
ongoing OCMCO
ongoing Scouts
wants to do gymnastics

No wonder as I was doing yoga yesterday I felt overwhelmed thinking about all I need to do.  I have decided I need to say no to some of these things.  There are some I have to do, but some are optional.

1 Real Baby

So onward I go, off to birth some babies!  I do have 1 mom due, so I will hopefully get to be at a real birth soon too!

Sharing is caring!

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