Five Favorite Fun things to do as a Family

I asked my boys what their favorite family activities are.

Going to the Beach: One of the benefits of living in Southern California is being close to a beach.  The boys love to boogie board and play in the sand.

Going to the Pool: The pool is another family favorite.  We are lucky enough to live in a neighborhood with lots of great pools.  It is so refreshing and such a great way for my boys to expend some energy.

Playing with Legos: I don’t love stepping on them all the time.  But it is definitely one of our families favorite past times.  From my 4 year old to my 42 year old, ALL my boys love Legos.

Hiking: Another great way to expend some energy is to take hikes.  We often Geocache on our hikes.  It makes it even more fun to have something to look for.

Getting Ice Cream: OK, I will admit this is my favorite one.  We go out about once every 2 weeks, usually to Golden Spoon.  We usually have a “reason”  from the last day of school, having a good soccer game,  to the first day of school.  Really any excuse will work.  We don’t keep ice cream at home, so it is a special treat indeed.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and LEGO blogging program, making me eligible to get a prize pack. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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