My favorite class to teach in my Hypnobabies Childbirth Education series, is class 3. In this class we discuss all the options of different interventions that may be offered before, during or after your birth. Ranging from internal exams in the last few weeks of your pregnancy to epidurals.
What are the pros and cons of these interventions? Almost every choice has pros and cons. There is a time for appropriate interventions. I have a problem with them doing interventions to everyone just becasue it is their routine.
What are some questions you can ask during your birthing time to help you make the best choice for you at the time? Birth is very fluid and while it normally goes very smoothly, there are situations that may arise that will cause a change of plans. I want you to have information so you can make informed choices if circumstances require it. This is one way in which Hypnobabies is different than other hypnosis for childbirth programs. We cover these topics because of this reality of birth.
There is a really great post about Consent for Anesthesia at Nursing Birth’s blog. It demonstrates why it is SO important to get educated about birth, BEFORE your birth! I really recommend every pregnant woman take an Independent Childbirth Class (meaning, not hospital based) so that they can learn this information!
Having a doula during your birth is also great, because they can remind you of questions to ask during your birth!
I have a question for you – our next ICAN meeting is on the topic of Informed Consent, but I can’t figure out what type of person we should have come be our speaker, or what types of materials I should have ready for the event. I think this is a hugely important topic, so I want to do it justice. Do you have any advice for me on this?
I would probably have an Independent Childbirth Educator come (one who doesn’t teach in a hospital)
Like a Hypnobabies Instructor, Bradley Instructor, Lamaze Instructor, etc.
Or a doula would be another good option.
One great thing to talk about is that they can change the forms they fill out at the hospital and add on the bottom,
“with my informed consent” to the wording!