IUD Free and I have noticed changes

My IUD has been out for 2 months now.  I have noticed some interesting changes in myself.

2 Main changes without my IUD

Happy Face. Sad Face.

Feeling More

The most notable is I FEEL things again.

For the last 5 years I haven’t really felt anything deeply.  I wasn’t depressed or anything, more just very even keeled.  A little too much I now think.

Within 2 weeks after getting my IUD out I was feeling things.

  • I MISSED DH and T1 while they were on a camping trip.  Before I would have just been busy getting things done.  This time I missed them, I just wanted DH home and to snuggle with him.
  • I would tear up while looking at my boys, thinking how much I loved them.
  • I also was more sensitive towards criticism.

So there are good and bad parts of feeling more.  But overall I like it better this way!  I may be feeling some lows more than usual, but I am loving the highs and it is well worth being more sensitive.

Periods Again

I haven’t had a real period in over 5 years.  I would spot here or there, but that was about it.  One of my friends who also has an IUD said, “You will want to get another one once you have your period again.”

The first month I had a few days of spotting.  Then in April I had my first period.  It was so strange, but good.  I had missed having a cycle.

I love this post by Organic Mama Cafe where she says

I’ve begun to look forward to this time of the month as a kind of magical time of rest and spiritual reconnection.

We have monthly cycles for a reason.  What if we don’t try to fight it, but embrace it?  Just like birth – if we welcome each pressure wave, they are so much easier to enjoy.  If I welcome my period and even the potential PMS that comes before, I can enjoy it!

I enjoyed reading Birth Faith’s PMS tips.

I find that if I listen to and respect what my body is saying, it helps so much.  This last period I had in May, I really tried to listen to my body and I took it a bit easier my PMS days and went to bed earlier too.  It paid off, it was a really easy cycle.  It made me remember the post I did about adjusting to the newborn stage of babies – by lowering your standards for a few weeks.  So if  lowering my standards for 2 days out of the month helps me adjust, then I shall do it!


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10 thoughts on “IUD Free and I have noticed changes”

  1. Laura--The Sushi Snob

    I went off my birth control pills six months ago, and honestly, I like myself better off of them than on. We’ve been using FAM and it’s very empowering to know what my body is doing.

  2. I stopped taking the pill a few months ago to prepare for baby making in a few months. I’m not sure that I like it better. I feel things more too. I am also more sensitive. It creates conflict in our family because, well, DH doesn’t really understand or allow me time to myself during my emotional times. He gets really mad at me when I want to be by myself, when it is probably the best thing for everyone for me to be by myself. I have to be a complete jerk just to get a nap in. And then he’s all mad at me just b/c I wanted some space. So, honestly, I hate my cycle and I hate PMS. I wish I could embrace it. And the more I try to control it, the worse it gets. Wahhh!!! Sorry for the rant.

  3. That sucks. But think of it this way, it is a good way to learn to communicate better with DH about your needs before you get pregnant, when you probably will still have many ups and downs.

  4. How interesting that it has made you feel things more deeply! I’m absolutely fascinated by that. Hmm… maybe you need to write about that for the book! 😉

  5. I loved this thought, “We have monthly cycles for a reason. What if we don’t try to fight it, but embrace it? Just like birth – if we welcome each pressure wave, they are so much easier to enjoy. If I welcome my period and even the potential PMS that comes before, I can enjoy it!” It is interesting that you would post this thought because I had been thinking something similar on a religious note. I just might have to blog about it. I like FAM too!

  6. I just had my third cycle after my third baby. My cycle has come back after the babies have been mostly night weaned around a year. The first two this time were super heavy and very embarrassing. They were hard to manage IYKWIM and it is difficult to get alone bathroom time with an active 15m old, a 3 1/2yr old and a 6yr old who always happens to need to use the (one) bathroom at the same time. I feel a little more ‘in charge’ of it this time as it evens out. Hubby is scheduled for a personal procedure in two weeks!

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