My Birth Video is in a Contest!


I entered into the Birth Matters Video Contest.  If you can watch and then go and rate it.  Leave a comment too!  I love to share the joy of hypnosis for birth.  🙂

Sharing is caring!

9 thoughts on “My Birth Video is in a Contest!”

  1. I’ve heard so many good things about hynobabies/birthing. I am planning on using this for pain management with my vbac. Do you know if there is a difference between the two birthing/babies? Is one necessarily better than the other?


  2. Very beautiful! Was this YOUR baby’s birth or was this about a patient of yours? And where do you go to vote?

  3. This was MY birth. This birth changed my life, in that it inspired me to become a doula and a Hypnobabies instructor.
    If you go to the video on you tube, you can vote by clicking on the star rating you think it deserves!

  4. I need to write a whole blog post about my pushing. When I was birthing Bryson and my husband was filming it, I never though it would end up on You Tube! My DH didn’t want the whole thing out there, so I cut that out of the You Tube version.

    I was calm during pushing. Between pushes it looks like I sleep a little. At first I was breathing him out. Then there were about 2 pushes where I “yelled him out” I felt like a powerful lion roaring. It just felt right to do that and I was listening to my body.

    It was comfortable while pushing. I remember the OB saying “Now you are going to feel the ring of fire” and I remember thinking, “I haven’t felt any pain yet, why should I now?” and I bounced her comment right off my bubble of peace. And I felt only stretching, no pain.

  5. I can’t blame you- I wouldn’t want that much of me shown on the internet either ; )

    Very cool that you were able to experience minimum pain during childbirth and get through it all so easily!

  6. Pingback: Childbirth on my Mind « Creative Counterpart

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