My first Birth with a Non-Hypnobabies Couple

I was the back up doula heading to a birth of a couple I had never met.  To make matters more interesting I had never attended a birth of a couple who hadn’t taken Hypnobabies.  I was more then a little nervous.


I said a few prayers on the drive to the hospital and tried to remind myself of the studies where they found it was beneficial to birthing mothers to just have a woman sitting in the room knitting.  I could certainly be more helpful than THAT.


It was a little strange going into a hospital room, meeting complete strangers and realizing you would be sharing one of the most amazing experiences with them.


I haven’t yet gotten permission to share their birth story, so here is a completely generic run down.

Basic Birth Story


  • I read their birth plan so I knew what they wanted.
  • They were a great couple, worked well as a team and were really nice.
  • It was a fast, pretty easy vaginal birth for first time mom. (I got to the hospital at 3:45 AM and I was back home by 10 AM)
  • Mom did awesome (even without Hypnobabies).
  • Dad was great.
  • They had a beautiful healthy baby.


I will say it was different than the other births I have attended.

  • Mom was yelling “It HURTS” quite a few times.  I honestly don’t get that with my other births.  Not all my moms are completely comfortable, but they aren’t yelling it.
  • It was also weird not to be able to use my normal calming, comforting tools.  (Which my Hypnobabies moms have been practicing for months, so they work great!)
  • But I was still able to help in lots of other ways, in fact it was a great learning experience, because instead of doing what I usually/automatically do, I watched the Mom and followed her lead.
  • I realized I should do that more with my other clients.  Take a step back and watch more before jumping in with a CD or cue.


So overall, it was wonderful and it was such an honor to be there.

However I don’t think I will change my “rule” of only taking Hypnobabies students as clients.  It is easier for me AND mom if they take Hypnobabies.

I also have limited time and like to save my doula spots for my students.




Sharing is caring!

3 thoughts on “My first Birth with a Non-Hypnobabies Couple”

  1. Way to go Sheridan! I can totally relate. My first birth was a Hypnobabies birth so I was SO nervous to attend my second which was not. To my surprise it ‘appeared’ as though she had done Hypnobabies by the way she completely relaxed every muscle in her body every time she had a contraction. It was fascinating to see her do this all on her own. It was a great experience! I too am going to continue to take on only Hypnobabies students as well since I can only attend a maximum of 1 birth per month 🙂

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