Some moms love to have it quiet during their births. Any interruption can take them out of their birthing zone.
Respect a moms need for quiet.
- Birth Partners you can answer most of the questions nurses have.
- You can remind the nurses to stay quiet
- Leave the TV OFFFF!!!
Simple Questions
At the same time, remember that mom may not be able to communicate really well with you, especially during transformation, so you may need to ask her simple questions. Ones she can answer with a yes or no.
- Water? – while handing her a water cup with a straw.
- Are you hot?
- Want to try a different position?
Sometimes during transformation moms become very primal – like a cave-woman and can only grunt or gesture answers. Birth partners, this can be totally normal.
Ha, I love the primal “cafe” woman: “Give me my Latte NOW. OR ELSE!”
Seriously, I like how this blog helps me think about my impending birth. I am trying for my second natural home birth. The first time I transferred to the hospital after 36 hours of labor, 12 of them stuck at 5cm. My midwife believes it was the epidural not the pitocin (why we went to the hospital) that caused me to dialate from 5 to 10 in less than an hour. I was holding myself back from fear or pain. So now I am trying to mentally prep myself for “giving in” to the birth and “welcoming the pain”. Very hard concepts mentally. Hopefully my body will just take over this time and I will deliver at home!
Thanks for letting me know about the cafe woman! 🙂
This is a new baby and a new birth! You can do it.