52 Weeks – T1′s Bedroom

T1 has really been wanting to get rid of his big white organizer. I think it is great, but it did sort of overwhelm his room.

I told him if he could get rid of enough of his things that he didn’t need that much storage then it was fine.

Time to organize!

The first day we went through every item and got rid of a bunch and the rest ended up on his floor.

The next day we organized it into different piles.

Which were:

  • scouts
  • electronics
  • books
  • memories
  • ham radio
  • and a few others.


Then upon realizing we could fit it on a smaller shelf, I had to convince T2 to switch organizers.  Which led to a whole new situation.. but that is for a different post.

Anyway, here is what we ended up with after a very long day!

I love his scout section of the wall.

Memory Shelf, Lego Shelf and Ham Radio Shelf

his bed area

Sharing is caring!