Alison won the CD!

Alison and I have a fun history.

I read Alison’s HypnoBirthing birth story online somewhere and saw she is an author.   She actually lived in my town and was happy to come to book clubs to talk.

As I belong to 3 book clubs (crazy I know) I decided to read her books and invite her to come to one of my book clubs.  She did and it was so much fun, that we invited her to join our book club and she DID!  I am so glad because we became great friends and our little ones also became friends.

Then she got pregnant, took my Hypnobabies class and I got to be her doula!  Which was so amazing, my first homebirth!

Then she moved far away.  I miss her and so does my littlest one.  Thank goodness for the internet, so I can still see what she is up to.

Congrats Alison, wish you were here!

Sharing is caring!

2 thoughts on “Alison won the CD!”

  1. Woohoo! I can’t wait for the CD!

    We miss you guys too. Abby still asks about Bryson. And I miss our playdates!! You’re right, it’s a good thing we have the internet!

    Sheridan is an awesome doula, folks–if you ever need one, she is your woman. A great teacher too! Hypnobabies rocks!

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