Back from 2 births

This is the THIRD time I have had 2 back to back births.  I have been praying for the last few weeks.  Just give me a good night sleep between each birth. 

While I believe in the power of prayer (very much) you would think by now I would know that for some reason praying about specific things with birth doesn’t seem to have that much effect.  Otherwise all prayers would have easy vaginal births at 37 weeks.  How many prayers must moms send up when they are still pregnant at 40 weeks!

So no, I did not get a good nights sleep between the births.  They were long and I am exhausted.  I will post about them soon!

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2 thoughts on “Back from 2 births”

  1. You are the most amazing doula and Heavenly Father knows that so thats why he gives you back to back births.

    Sheridan seriously…couldnt have done it without you! I didnt know you were so talented at making up your own affirmations(;

    Thanks Again,

  2. Pingback: Life As A Doula – Silly things I think and do. « Enjoy Birth Blog

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