Change the Mother or the OB?

We had this debate on my Independent Childbirth group.  Where can the most change come for the birthing community?

By changing the mother


changing the care provider?

Most seemed to feel that changing the mother is the way to go.   That if a mother is educated and makes different choices then change will be made in the birthing world.

While I obviously feel that educating mothers about birth is hugely important and makes a difference, I disagree.  I think that if we can change the care providers we will make a bigger difference.

Think about all the moms who are educated, have their birth plan and go to the hospital, have a different OB then expected and have their birth derailed.  While I stress the importance of choosing your care provider wisely, there are some limitations on that if you are planning a hospital birth.  You are not typically guaranteed WHO will be there.

If we can change the OBs to practice evidence based care.  If we can help them to know it is ok for moms to push in upright positions, that they can move around during birth, that birth should start on its own, etc.  Then 100’s and 1o00’s of moms births will be better.

At your cervix had a post which helps demonstrate what I am saying.    Her example and teaching has helped this OB change his ways.  This will help all the moms whose births he attends.

I don’t know what kind of position I am in to help change the OB’s.  I am not a nurse working daily with them.  Though I did get an idea from someone.  If we make up eye catching signs with simple important information we want them to learn or think about and hang them up in the bathrooms where they will see it, they might learn some new ideas!

What do you think?

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5 thoughts on “Change the Mother or the OB?”

  1. I just read a book called Women and Doctors by John Smith, and he states the case that OBs need to change themselves. It was quite an interesting read, a little outdated, but good.

  2. I voted that we need to change both. So many moms do NOT educate themselves on childbirth at all. I am a leader on a major preg. forum and it amazes me how much my members do not educate themselves, roll over to their doc’s bidding and do not realize they have choices!

  3. I know this is probably not PC, but – I think moms can change providers by hitting them where it hurts: the wallet. When moms stop seeking care from providers who don’t respect their wishes, those providers will close up shop.

  4. I think this is true, but sadly not enough moms are educated enough to make choices, so there will always be women willing to do whatever the OB says, not even thinking they have other options!

  5. Pingback: How can we change modern obstetrics? | BIRTH SENSE

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