Do Doula's benefit the Dad?

Dad, you may wonder why a mom needs a doula if they are going to be there.  Eoulas are as much for you as they are for the mom!

My DH said after Bryson’s birth, “Why didn’t we have a doula for all our births?”  He LOVED having a doula.  Often dads are the biggest proponents of doulas once they have experienced birth with one.  It takes the pressure off, so they can enjoy the journey.

Here is a great blog post delving deeper into this question of the Daddy-Doula dynamic.

Sharing is caring!

4 thoughts on “Do Doula's benefit the Dad?”

  1. To answer the title of your post title…YES!!!!! Jake is still grateful and asks the same question as Rob. I love the breastfeeding pictures by the way. I dont have any pictures of me breastfeeding. Im going to take some now because I know I will miss it when Im done. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I used to think that exact thought, “Why would I need a doula if I have my husband?” But now after two births, I totally think a doula would benefit us both. Like you said, it would really take the pressure off of the husband.

  3. I am one of those nurses that just jumps in and I feel sometimes leaves dad out:( I don’t think about it until after. I would love some advice from more experienced doula’s on how to incorporate the dad in their work.

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