This story of a mom whose OB cut an episiotomy after he missed the birth of the baby, saying he needed to for the placenta demonstrates the importance of Choosing your Care Provider wisely!
How can you do this?
- Ask your Care Provider questions! Did the mom above ask her Care Provider “What percentage of your moms get episiotomies?” His answer would have been very telling.
- Ask local doulas for recommendations.
- Ask L&D nurses for recommendations!
- I have heard they can’t often tell you much if you just ask for a recommendation. But if you ask a specific question. Like, “I want to birth in a squatting position. Do you know a care provider who encourages (or allows) this? This provides an opening for them to say, “Yes, Dr. B or Midwife Y, does!”
There are times when I fully support the decision to sue. That was not only unnecessary, but she will probably be charged for it in some way.
How do you prevent THAT sort of thing? I asked a lot of questions when I chose my care provider, but I would never in a million years thing to ask if an episiotomy would ever be done for the placenta.
I think if you had the discussion about their episiotomy rate and they felt all moms needed one or even 80%, that would be a red flag! I imagine this OBs rate is 100%. Need that nice sewed up experience for all dads.
That story was horrifying, but I have seen enough disrespect for women during pregnancy and birth to believe it. I agree with you–ask questions, lots of them, the earlier in pregnancy the better. And if you are not 100% comfortable with the answers (or with the provider’s attitude towards questions)–keep shopping.
Come on? An epis for the placenta? WTF? Not like it has bones or anything.
what a joke!
I wonder how he would would feel getting an episiotimy for his butt!