When you told people you were having your 20 week ultrasound, I can guarantee they asked,
“Are you finding out the sex?”
If you say No, you may get interesting responses.
- Why wouldn’t you find out?
- It would be so much easier to know and be prepared!
- But I want to know!
- Then you will get a lot of green and yellow things at your shower.
- Don’t you want to know?
If you want a great response to
“You’re not going to find out the sex? But don’t you want to know? It would… drive me crazy!”
check out some of Pregnant Chicken’s responses. Be warned, you may pee your pants reading this blog. I am not even pregnant and I peed my pants.
A great tool for the green/yellow issue. Enter NotFindingOut.com Perfect way to get more than gender neutral gifts.
If you want to have some fun, you can have a Reveal Party – via Pregnancy Chicken again.
If you say yes, you may get less surprising responses.
- Do you want a boy or a girl?
- You know it isn’t 100% guaranteed.
- You are hoping for a girl right???? (If you have a boy, or especially if you have 2 or more boys)
- I am so glad, I really want to know what you are having!
Either way deciding whether to “find out” or not may be one of your first big decisions as a parent!
I have one boy and one girl and we didn’t find out either time what we are having. We loved the moment of finding out at delivery. My son was born at the hospital and we specifically asked everyone in the room not to announce the sex to us. It was such a joyful moment to hear my husband say “It’s a boy!” as he was lifted onto my chest. I didn’t believe him…thought for sure he had just seen the umbilical cord hanging down, so I said “Let me see! I need to see” and then “It IS a boy!” What a great memory. My daughter was born at home. I delivered hands and knees so the midwife caught her behind me and passed her through my legs. As I picked her up and held her to my chest, I got to announce to everyone there “It’s a girl!” I don’t think anything in this world compares to how you feel when you meet your baby for the first time, and for me, not knowing “who they were” until they were born made it all the more special.
When people asked me “Do you know what you are having?” I would answer, “Yes, we are having a BABY!” 🙂
I LOVE knowing that the baby I’m carrying right now is a boy – I can call him by his name and my kids love talking about their baby brother. (They both wanted a sister so it’s also good to give them time to adjust to the fact that they’re not getting one!) I found out with all three and I wouldn’t change it.
We knew with my oldest as I had an ultrasound. Our last two were born at home (no ultrasounds) and my husband caught them both and announced the gender. I definitely prefer that way! 🙂
I want to know… we should be finding out in the next couple weeks. I can’t handle the suspense… even though I know its not 100% guarunteed. 🙂
I found out with all of mine too. It was good in the ways you are saying (though we never had a name until after they were born.)
Great answer! “Yes, we are having a BABY!”
I think if we have another one I would like to wait.
I didn’t want to know, but my husband and his family all did. I got the “green and yellow” bit for a long time. I finally caved because the day of my sono my husband would have been in class and wasn’t going to be able to make it. I told him not to skip class, I would find out and let him know. We ended up with several inches of snow and his classes were canceled, but I had already told him we could find out. I am 37+3 today and he’s got the instant gratification thing going, keeps asking if I’m ready to have her yet 🙂
I chose to forgo ultrasounds altogether and so finding out the sex was not possible anyways but I consciously chose to discover my baby’s gender naturally. The thrill of finding out myself overtook the need to buy gender-specific clothing. After my son was born he spent most of the time naked anyways, against my skin nursing. We hardly even used any of the newborn clothing we received as gifts. I intuitively knew he was male after have several dreams during my pregnancy that came to me like vivid visions that showed me what he would look like. They were eerily accurate!
I too knew my boys were all boys. I did get the ultrasounds, but had that feeling way before that!