Going to be on a radio show!

My 12 year old was SO excited, until he found out it was an internet radio show, as if somehow it doesn’t count.  He wanted to join in, but when I told him it was about birth (surprise, surprise) he said “never mind”

So you will not get my 12 year old’s wisdom about birth, but you will hear from a Bradley instructor, Lamaze Instructor, a Hypnobabies instructor (me), and a CAPPA instructor in training.

I have been trying to add a button, but it isn’t working.  So here is a link to the Feminist Breeder’s Radio Show.  It will be Sunday June 6th at 10 PM CST

If you can’t listen then, it will be archived.  🙂

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1 thought on “Going to be on a radio show!”

  1. YAY! I’m so excited! I also know the Bradley instructor that will be on the show. She is the sister of one of my friends from high school!.

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