Government rations cesareans

There are some benefits of nationalized health care.  The government can have more of an impact on health outcomes.  But I only see it benefiting countries where they want to save money!   I imagine in America the ACOG would want more cesareans, so their Obstetricians could make more money.

I was excited to see this article from Great Britain.  Cesareans Rationed:  Women denied procedure on safety grounds. 

Now the primary care trust in Manchester has said that c-sections should be put on the same lists for rationing by local hospitals as infertility treatment, cosmetic surgery and acupuncture.

They talk about how elective cesareans are less safe then vaginal births (except in certain instances)  I think this is great that they are acknowleding this!

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3 thoughts on “Government rations cesareans”

  1. I don’t see this as very effective. Yes, it may reduce the number of repeat cesareans, which of course is good. But where the real problem comes is with primary cesareans, which are mostly done for “failure to wait.” There really isn’t a huge number of women out there electing to have primary cesareans without medical indication.

  2. This is a good point. I see this as just a starting point in reducing unneccesary cesareans. But indeed it will be a small amount that are effected by this. But hopefully this is just a start!

  3. ugh, just wasted a lot of time reading the comments section.
    I abhor a ‘un-necesarean’ and at the same time I see these people who are screaming about forced choices.
    I’ve witnessed too many women have to fight for the right to use their own body to birth their own baby to have too much pity for the ‘I demand I have a cesarean when I want it’.
    I’m stuck.
    I’m looking forward to how this plays out in the next few years.

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