Laila Ali shares her birth story

Laila Ali talks about her birth. She was planning a homebirth, but because of baby’s lack of growth, she was induced at a hospital. She encourages moms to do their research and know they don’t have to have a baby in the hospital or get an epidural!

She talked about how tough the birth was. Maybe next time she will use Hypnobabies and she can be comfortable without medication! 🙂

New link to the video

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2 thoughts on “Laila Ali shares her birth story”

  1. I clicked on the link, but wasn’t able to find the video. Any hints?

    (I just changed it, thanks for the heads up!)

  2. I loved watching her this morning on Today. I also blogged about her – we have another big voice out there speaking for strong, educated women empowering themselves to do what we were made to do! 😀

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