6 thoughts on “Moms: Gifts for Doulas and Midwives”

  1. My husband and I gave them both a collection cds we created for my labor. They both had expressed how much they liked the music at the time.

  2. If I were a doula, I wouldn’t expect a gift. Just a picture of their sweet baby would be enough for me!

    However, I voted $10 on the poll. My reason is that I do a lot of homemade things (homemade marshmallows, anyone?!) and am very thrifty. I can find very nice things without breaking the bank.

  3. I gave my midwife a gift with a heartfelt inscription. Later when I worked with her, I found it stuffed in a closet, forgotten and thrashed 🙁

  4. Ohhh, that is sad. I guess it is a risk when giving a gift. You never know what they will value. But if you had something special inscribed on it, it should be appreciated!

  5. We gave our doula a photo of her holding our daughter (framed). We also gave her another $200 on top of her $600 fee. We felt she more than earned it, as it was a 3-day labor ending in c-section. She was FANTASTIC.

    The midwives… well, technically I had three, and I didn’t know them all very well. I wrote them all a nice note and brought in flowers to the birth center for all of them to enjoy – the midwives and their apprentices.

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