SHAME on Target!

I just found out they called police on a Breastfeeding Mom.





Ohhhh, that makes me mad!  A mom has every right to feed her baby, WHEREVER she is!

I have nursed in many public places.  Here is just a few:

  • Disneyland, while waiting for Dumbo (and numerous other rides).
  • At a holiday business party at my husbands work.  Sitting right there at the table with everyone.
  • Walking around shopping at JC Penny.
  • Walking around shopping at Costco.
  • At Church.
  • At the Park.

Really whenever and wherever my babies were hungry, I fed them.

No one ever said anything.  But I was ready if they did.  I had printed off my states law and had it in my diaper bag!

So SHAME on you Target.  I think a Breast-In should be organized.  If only I still had a nursing baby!

Sharing is caring!

6 thoughts on “SHAME on Target!”

  1. I’ve nursed at Target before, with a baby carrier and just sitting on a shelf that was holding some bikes. Where is this BAD TARGET!!!!!!!?

  2. i’ve nursed numerous places before, including target.

    wal-mart specifically was one place where i had forgot to bring something to throw over my shoulder – since i tend to just bring the collar of my shirt down and pull my breast out… and nursed quite discreetly even without having that blanket!
    i love nursing my babies, and i’ve become quite the pro at “any time, any where, in any way”

  3. Target issued a statement today that they regret this happened. The radio report mentioned that the woman’s husband was a retired police officer who happened to remember that she had the right to nurse anywhere. (-: Love it! And they said she can certainly come back to Target. (What, as if they were never letting her back in there? I doubt that!)

    I too have nursed in a lot of places, even 20 years ago, and rarely was anything said. I never felt particularly radical, and I believed that to allow a baby to cry and cry out of hunger was going to bother more people than my quietly nursing the child. I do not think it is usually an issue. But on the rare occasions that someone is asked to leave, the press grabs it and pretty much ensures that THAT place won’t make the same mistake twice!

  4. I sent them my angry email! Everyone should do the same.

    The only time I ever got chastised for nursing in public was because I actually DIDN’T nurse in public. We were in a restaurant, and my baby was very young and wouldn’t feed with all the distractions, so I went out to the car with her. It made her much easier to feed, which was fine by me. But an older woman came up and lectured me on the importance of nursing my baby in public! Hilarious!!!

  5. I nursed in Target many times. I got myself nice and comfortable in the garden furniture department and nursed away :).

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