Obstetricians are Obsolete?

labor - deliverySometimes I worry that is the way the birthing world is going.

We don’t need OBs we just need surgeons to remove babies from their mothers.

The cesarean rate keeps going up and up.  Some OBs want all their moms to have cesareans.  “It is easier for you and the baby” they claim.

Let’s be honest, it is easier for the OB and he makes a lot more money.

Not all OBs are like this, but it is VERY important to choose your care provider carefully, whether he/she is an OB or a Midwife.  Make sure that you feel comfortable and respected by them.

Here are 2 posts demonstrating why.

Patients Rights, Patients Responsibilities

I’m Really Pissed – Nurses inside view at a bad OB

Click here for a free guide to help you determine if your care provider is a good fit for you!


Sharing is caring!

2 thoughts on “Obstetricians are Obsolete?”

  1. Nicole/MadlabPost

    I don’t know much about this stuff but based on other women (and girls) who I’ve known to have cesareans, it seems like the procedure has an unpleasant impact on the skin and stomach structure as a whole.

    Their stomachs have not looked the same since and this is one of the reasons why I am terrified of having a baby. I don’t know if I’ll ever be comfortable with something like that….cesarean or no cesarean. I know all women are different, but I know that I don’t have those Jennifer Lopez genes or the ability to pop out kids without losing my flat stomach.

    That said,

    I believe that whichever is healthier for the baby and mother should be the top priority….why to OBs care so much about money in a childbirth situation?

    That is so absurd and they shouldn’t be practicing medicine. That makes me so angry that some men and women in the medical profession are more concerned about their fat paycheck than the well being, concerns and preferences of their patients.

    It’s a real shame.

  2. I agree, the health of baby and mom should be the most important. But sadly too often that isn’t the case. It is about routines and doing the same thing to all moms.

    As for the flat stomach, I have friends whose stomachs are flat after babies. They eat well and exercise. I am not a big exerciser so my stomach isn’t flat anymore, but my boys were worth it. 🙂

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